What We Offer

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

Convenient and flexible online tutoring sessions with expert instruction, accessible from anywhere. Engage with qualified tutors, ask questions in real-time, and receive personalized guidance tailored to your needs.

Group Tutoring

Group Tutoring

Collaborative and interactive group tutoring sessions that foster shared knowledge, lively discussions, and important social and communication skills.

Home Tutoring

Personalized one-on-one instruction in the comfort of your own home. Highly qualified tutors provide focused attention and tailored lessons for academic growth and confidence.

Live Online
Monthly Tuition
from just £5.00/hour!

We are a team of engineering and scientific professionals hailing from internationally acclaimed universities. As pioneers of the engineer-run tuition academy in the UK, we specialize in providing KS3 and GCSE tuition.

Our mission is to ensure that students have access to exceptional education without limitations. By establishing our academy, known as Marvel Academy, we aim to create a platform where students can receive top-quality tuition without exorbitant costs.

In order to ensure the utmost quality of instruction, we employ a rigorous selection process to carefully choose our teachers. Our academy comprises graduates from esteemed universities across the globe, who possess vast knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. They are dedicated to inspiring and educating our students, providing them with a top-notch learning experience.

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Live Online Monthly Tuition

How It Works
For Students/Parents?

Tell Us Where You Need Help

Tell Us Where You Need Help

We'd be more than happy to hear what your particular educational requirements and struggles are. We'll pay close attention and recognize how we can back you on your educational pursuit.

Choose The Tutor You Want

Choose The Tutor You Want

Explore our diverse roster of experienced tutors and select the one that best matches your learning style and subject preferences. Each tutor is highly qualified and ready to help you succeed.

Book A Tutor Start Lesson

Book A Tutor Start Lesson

With just a few clicks, book your preferred tutor and schedule a lesson that fits your availability. Begin your personalized learning experience and embark on a path to academic growth.

Top Rated Courses

Spoken English


Active Students : 145
45 Reviews

They provide a centralized platform where learners can access course materials.

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Spoken English


Active Students : 123
31 Reviews

With Marvel Academy's centralized platform, learners can effortlessly retrieve their course materials from a single location.

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Spoken English


Active Students : 132
36 Reviews

The centralized platform provided by Marvel Academy ensures learners have seamless access to all their course materials in one place.

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Spoken English


Active Students : 195
29 Reviews

Marvel Academy's centralized platform serves as a hub for learners, offering them convenient access to their course materials anytime, anywhere.

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What Some Awesome Parent Says About Us

Read what some amazing parents have to
Say About Us

"Marvel Academy has been a game-changer for my child. The curriculum is engaging, the teachers are knowledgeable, and the learning environment is nurturing. My child's creativity and critical thinking skills have soared since joining the academy. I highly recommend Marvel Academy to all parents." - Sarah P.

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Happy Students Say

Here are some delightful comments from happy students about their experience at Marvel Academy:

Marvel Academy is the coolest place to learn! I love how we get to explore the Marvel universe while studying. It makes learning so much fun!

Grade 9

I never thought learning could be this exciting until I joined Marvel Academy. The teachers are amazing, and I've made so many friends who share the same love for superheroes as me!

Grade 7

Being part of Marvel Academy feels like being a superhero in training. The classes are interactive, and I've learned so much about teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. It's been an incredible journey

Grade 8

Marvel Academy has helped me discover my passion for storytelling and art. I've learned how to create my own comic books and express my creativity. It's been an inspiring experience!

Grade 10

I can't believe how much I've grown academically since joining Marvel Academy. The teachers challenge and motivate me to reach my full potential. I feel confident and prepared for any academic challenge that comes my way!

Grade 11